The EU-wide stress test was carried out on 90 banks which represent 65 per cent of total assets of the European banking sector. The OTP banka Group was also included in this stress testing. The resilience of the banks was assessed against a benchmark defined with reference to capital of the highest quality (Core Tier 1); the benchmark was set at 5% of risk weighted assets.
OTP banka has passed the stress test. According to the common baseline scenario, OTP banka's Core Tier 1 capital ratio (CT1R) would be 10.2 per cent at the end of 2012, while the ratio would stand at 8.0 per cent under the assumption of adverse scenario.
Further information about the scenarios, the methodologies applied, as well as the aggregate and detailed individual results of the stress testing, is available at the European Banking Authority (EBA). The information is also available on the Bank of Slovenia's website.
Detailed results of the stress test are disclosed in the attached document.