SMART Personal insurance | OTP banka

Comprehensive protection against events that may happen to you as a result of an active life, old age, or simply when life does not go according to plan.

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There are moments in life when we realize what really counts. The small things take on a new value. Where we are headed, and who stands by us become important.
Take out SMART Personal insurance and take care of your family or business partners in case an unfortunate event happens to you.

OTP Banka

Payment of high insurance sums in case of adverse events.


OTP Banka

Attractive additional risks included, such as bone fracture, hospitalization, serious illness, and death.

OTP Banka

A single monthly premium based on the age group of the insured person, which does not include tax on insurance transactions.
Smart personal insurance includes:
OTP Banka
Payment in case of death and accidental death up to the age of 85.
OTP Banka Payment in case of a serious illness.
OTP Banka Payment of compensation in case of hospitalization due to an accident.
OTP Banka Single daily compensation for bone fracture due to an accident.
Most frequent questions and answers
When is the right time to take out the Smart insurance?

As soon as someone is financially dependent on you, mostly family or business partners, it makes sense to take out the Smart personal insurance for the worst possible scenario. Since the amount of the premium depends on the joining age, we recommend concluding it as soon as possible.
Take advantage of the attractive included risks that Smart Personal Insurance offers.
Who can take out life insurance?
Persons between the ages of 25 and 75 can be insured. A completed medical questionnaire is not required for the conclusion.
What payments do I receive in case of hospitalization?
For all physical injuries that occurred as a result of an accident and for which you were hospitalized for more than four consecutive nights for the first time, a one-off amount is paid, regardless of disability, based on the number of nights spent in the hospital, up to 120 EUR per day.
When does death and accidental death cover kick in?
Full insurance coverage in case of the insured's death occurs after the first year has passed when the corresponding insurance sum is paid out together with the value of the property according to the policy. Until then, 50% of premiums paid are paid out in case of death.
Full insurance coverage in case of accidental death is valid from the beginning of the insurance.
Which covers can I choose in case of serious illnesses?

When insuring serious illnesses, you can choose between three types of coverage: stroke, cancer, stroke, or cancer. You can choose one or both of the more serious diseases. When the insurance premium is paid in case of a serious illness, the cover for this risk ceases, while the cover for the event of death and the amount of the monthly premium are reduced accordingly.
Are osteoporotic bone fractures also covered?
Additional accident insurance in case of hospitalization and bone fracture as a result of an accident also covers the payment of a one-time daily compensation for a bone fracture, whereby osteoporotic bone fractures are also covered.
OTP Banka

If you have any other questions, we will be happy to answer them in one of our branches, where our experts are at your disposal, or click on the I am interested button, submit your information and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Are you interested in Smart personal insurance? The conclusion is simple.

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With just one call

Click on I am interested, submit your information and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Contact us and we will help you find the best solution for you.
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In the branch

We are the most accessible bank with the widest network, where you can take out insurance and provide various other services throughout Slovenia.

*Insurances are not banking services. OTP banka acts as a marketing agent, while the insurer is Zavarovalnica Sava.
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