Today, 27 September 2012, OTP banka d.d. received the ruling of the Securities Market Agency, the abstract of which reads as follows:
The Securities Market Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ATVP) has passed a decision prohibiting the following institutions from exercising their voting rights in OTP banka d.d., due to their violation of the provisions of the Takeover Act (ZPre-1): the Capital Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Slovenia; Pošta Slovenije d.o.o.; GEN d.o.o.; Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja d.d.; Slovenska odškodninska družba d.d.; ELES d.o.o.; and Aerodrom Ljubljana d.d. The prohibition to exercise voting rights takes effect on the day this ruling becomes final and remains in force until the above stated entities submit a takeover bid for the shares of the target company, i.e. OTP banka d.d., in accordance with ZPre-1, or until they reduce their shareholding in the target company below the takeover threshold.
At the same time, due to no irregularities being identified, the Securities Market Agency terminated the proceeding against the Institute of Contemporary History in respect of establishing whether the Institute has acted in concert with other entities to achieve the takeover threshold in OTP banka d.d.