OTP banka d.d. in the capital increase process raises in excess of EUR 53 million

Based on the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, OTP banka d.d. publishes the following announcement: OTP banka announced the successful outcome of its offering of new ordinary shares, issued on the basis of an increase in its authorized share capital. OTP banka raised EUR 53,117,902.50 and has allocated 2,723,995 shares to investors. OTP banka and Nomura International plc acted as Joint Bookrunners and Joint Global Coordinators in connection with the offering. Subscription of shares took place from 24 September to 8 October 2008.

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OTP banka d.d. in the capital increase process raises in excess of EUR 53 million

14 October 2008
Based on the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, OTP banka d.d. publishes the following announcement: OTP banka announced the successful outcome of its offering of new ordinary shares, issued on the basis of an increase in its authorized share capital. OTP banka raised EUR 53,117,902.50 and has allocated 2,723,995 shares to investors. OTP banka and Nomura International plc acted as Joint Bookrunners and Joint Global Coordinators in connection with the offering. Subscription of shares took place from 24 September to 8 October 2008.

Of the total shares being allotted, existing shareholders have been allocated 1,799,200 new shares, natural and legal persons in the Republic of Slovenia other than “well informed investors” have been allocated 233,220 new shares and qualified investors outside the Republic of Slovenia and well-informed investors in the Republic of Slovenia have been allocated 691,574 new shares. The Republic of Slovenia and government funds also participated in the capital increase.

“We are satisfied with the results of the offering. Despite an extremely tough year and the current global financial crisis, investors have proven that they still trust OTP banka. This also illustrates that they support our strategic direction and perceive us as a long-term and stable investment” commented President and Chief Executive Officer of OTP banka, Matjaž Kovačič, after the results of the capital increase were announced.

According to Management Board member Manja Skernišak, “OTP banka is a financial institution committed to its vision, dedicated to serving its customers and working towards achieving and maintaining stability. The proceeds from this capital increase will assist us to continue these efforts and we hope that our customers and shareholders will benefit significantly from our continued commitment.”

OTP banka intends to use the proceeds of the offering for financing its organic growth, for any future acquisitions and for general corporate purposes.

In order to finalize the offering of the new shares, OTP banka will file an application to register its new shares with the companies’ register at the Maribor District Court. Once the new shares have been registered, OTP banka will file an order with the KDD to issue the new shares (in non-materialized form) to investors’ accounts. On or about October 29th, 2008 we expect that the new shares will be allocated to investors’ accounts in the central register with the KDD and on or about the same date, trading in the new shares will commence. 

OTP banka will separately issue a written notice confirming the number of shares allocated to investors as contemplated in the Prospectus approved by the Securities Market Agency in the Republic of Slovenia and dated 22 September 2008.

During the capital increase process 6 foreign funds subscribed and paid 4,16% of new ordinary shares and 6 domestic funds subscribed and paid for 4,56% of new ordinary shares. Around 2.850 natural and legal persons other than “well informed investors” (existing ones as well as new ones) subscribed and paid for 14,84% of new ordinary shares, while 5 well-informed investors subscribed and paid for 25,38% of new ordinary shares.

The projection of the ownership structure doesn’t show any substantial changes, since the most of existing shareholders that subscribed and paid for new ordinary shares, raised their stakes minimally. The exact shares are going to be certified by the registration of the new shares with the companies’ register at the Maribor District

Court and their allocation to investors’ accounts in the central register with the KDD.

Management Board of OTP banka d.d.

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