A deposit is the total balance of all claims a depositor has on the bank arising from any credit balance, which results from funds left in an account or from temporary balances deriving from normal banking transactions and which a bank is required to repay under applicable legal and contractual conditions, transaction account management contract, including a savings deposit, a cash deposit, a certificate of deposit and a bank bill, if issued as a registered security.
A deposit does not include claims that have any of the following characteristics:
- arising from financial instruments, as defined in the act governing the market in financial instruments, other than a savings product, which is evidenced by a certificate of deposit made out to the bearer and exists as at 2 July 2014;
- principal not repayable at par value;
- principal is only repayable at par value under a particular surety, guarantee or agreement provided by the bank or a third party;
- regarded as debt securities issued by the bank or arising out of own acceptances and bank bills of exchange;
- may be used solely for repayment of the depositor's obligations to the bank based on an agreement or regulation; or
- may be considered in the calculation of a bank's capital under Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 owing to their features.