Stock brokerage | OTP banka

Trust our experienced advisors, who advise you on your investment decisions based on market and company analyses, and mediate in the sale and purchase of securities on domestic and the most important global markets.

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Trust our experienced experts to provide you with information on investments, products and services in the field of financial instruments.


OTP Banka
Stock brokerage

We act as an intermediary in the purchase and sale of securities on the domestic securities market and on most global capital markets.


OTP Banka
Trustee services

Custodial services represent a range of administrative, informational, legal, and tax services for investors in dealing with financial instruments on the domestic market (local custody) and foreign markets (global custody).

OTP Banka
Treasury bills

We act as an intermediary in the purchase of treasury bills of the Republic of Slovenia. Treasury bills are government securities. Owners can be both legal and natural persons.
OTP Banka

Stock brokerage

Trust our experienced experts to provide you with information on investments, products, and services in the field of financial instruments.

We also carry out the tasks of the holders for the transfer of securities on the basis of purchase, gift, or other contracts, the registration and deletion of liens, and the transfer of securities.

We also advise you and offer assistance in the execution of the issuance of financial instruments, takeovers, buybacks of your own shares, and other investment services that companies need.

Trustee services

  Opening and management of book-entry financial instruments (FI) account.
  Cash and paper settlement of transactions with FI on domestic and foreign markets.
  FI transfers between different accounts and different administrators.
  Collection of income from capital in the name and for the account of the client.
  Informing clients about portfolio status.
  Informing customers about corporate actions.

Trustee services with added value

  Representation at general meetings in the name and on behalf of the client.
  Monitoring legislation and informing investors.
  Informing customers about market developments.
  Monitoring of important shares.
  Reimbursement of tax from income from the capital of issuers of financial instruments based in countries with which Slovenia has signed an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation.
  Informing customers in writing, by fax, e-mail, and the SWIFT system.

Treasury bills of the Republica of Slovenia

Treasury bills are dematerialized, serial, registered, transferable securities with 3, 6, or 12 months. They are issued in denominations of 1,000 EUR each, and the nominal value of each issue tendered depends on the issuer's decision. Holders of T-bills can be both legal entities and natural persons, who submit subscription orders to primary registrars for T-bills.

How to get investment banking services?

OTP Banka

Want more information?

If you want additional information about securities, contact us and we will help you find the best solution for you.
OTP Banka

Funds transfer on purchase

If you are buying securities, transfer the funds to OTP banka's settlement account:

SI56 04515-0002425702
with reference: 00 + your tax number.

Purchase and sale of securities


We act as an intermediary in the purchase and sale of securities on the domestic securities market and on most global capital markets.

Transfer of securities


We carry out tasks for transfer on the basis of sale, gift, or other contracts, registration, and deletion of liens, and transfer of securities.

Storage of securities


We also take care of the safekeeping of securities.

After the business is done

You will receive a statement containing all important information about the completed transaction (purchase or sale, security symbol, price, commission, and other costs). In case of the sale of securities, you will receive funds in your business account no later than three working days from the day of the sale of securities.
  • an extract from the court register, which is not older than three months,
  • tax number of a legal entity,
  • business account number,
  • personal document of the legal representative,
  • tax number of the legal representative,
  • a form with data on natural persons who have at least 25% of the management rights in the legal entity,
  • LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) code.

For more detailed information on the arrangement of contractual documentation of Legal Entities, we are available in the Department of Investment Banking and Custodial Services.
Limitation of liability
When dealing with securities, OTP banka d.d. acts as an intermediary. Securities are not the same as bank deposits; when purchasing securities, the investor assumes the risk that, upon their sale or maturity, he will receive less than he invested in them.
All information provided by the bank is for informational purposes only. The Bank can provide the customer with information based on publicly available sources, which it considers to be reliable, but cannot assume responsibility for the possible falsehood of publicly published information. The Bank assumes no responsibility for costs or losses in any way related to the provision of this information. However, we recommend that investors obtain additional information about potential investment risks before making an investment decision. Future events on the capital markets are not conditioned by past movements and events.
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OTP Banka OTP BankaOTP BankaOTP Banka