Nova KBM informs the public that today, 18 December 2013, it has received the Decision on Extraordinary Measures at Nova KBM, and the Bank of Slovenia Decision on Nova KBM Share Capital Increase. Both of these decisions have been made with the aim of ensuring appropriate conditions for successful performance of Nova KBM in the long run while preserving stability of the Slovene banking system.
By passing the decision on extraordinary measures, the Bank of Slovenia requested Nova KBM to suspend all of its qualified liabilities in order to cover its losses, in accordance with the first and second paragraphs of Article 261(a) and the first paragraph of Article 261(c) of the Banking Act.
According to the aforementioned Decision of the Bank of Slovenia, the following measures apply:
a) In accordance with Point 2.1 of the Decision, all qualified liabilities of Nova KBM incurred until the day of issuing the Decision, i.e. 18 December 2013, cease to have effect. These liabilities include:
- share capital of Nova KBM in the amount of €143,225,272.00, split into 323,103,520 ordinary registered freely transferable shares, trading symbol: KBMR, ISIN Code: SI0021104052; and
- liabilities of Nova KBM to the holders of the following of its financial instruments:
- Hybrid Notes KBM9, ISIN Code: SI0022103046
- Floating Rate Perpetual Notes XS0270427163
- Fixed to Floating Rate Perpetual Loan Participation Notes
b) By the cessation of qualified liabilities referred to in Point 2.1(a) of the Decision, the share capital of Nova KBM, including its related components, is reduced to zero (0). At the same time, in accordance with Point 3 of the Decision, the share capital of Nova KBM is increased by €870,000,000.
c) Owing to the cessation of qualified liabilities in accordance with Point 2.1(a) of the Decision, all of Nova KBM´s 323,103,520 shares, trading symbol: KBMR, ISIN Code: SI002 1106052, issued in book-entry form and entered in the register kept by the Central Securities Clearing Corporation of Ljubljana (KDD), are annulled as of 18 December 2013.
With respect to the cessation of qualified liabilities relating to bonds that Nova KBM has issued in book-entry form, the Nova KBM Management Board will immediately inform the administrator of the register of book-entry securities (KDD) of the cessation of qualified liabilities, and will request the administrator to delete these bonds from the register, in accordance with Point 2.1(b) of the Decision.
On the day of issuing the Decision, the Republic of Slovenia paid for all 10,000,000 newly issued shares of Nova KBM, in the nominal amount of €870,000,000, by contribution in kind and by cash contribution, in accordance with Point 3 of the Decision on Extraordinary Measures at Nova KBM. Following the payment for new shares, the share capital of Nova KBM now totals €150,000,000 and is split into 10,000,000 new ordinary registered no-par value shares. The equivalent value of one share is €15.00.