Convocation of 20th regular shareholder's assembly of OTP banka d.d.

OTP banka d.d. street Vita Kraigherja 4, 2000 Maribor, herby convene the 20th Shareholder’s Assembly Meting of NKBM d.d., to be held on Tuesday 19 July 2011, at 11.00 hours in Conference Hall Minarik, Hotel Habakuk, Pohorska str. 59, Maribor.

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Convocation of 20th regular shareholder's assembly of OTP banka d.d.

17 June 2011
OTP banka d.d. street Vita Kraigherja 4, 2000 Maribor, herby convene the 20th Shareholder’s Assembly Meting of NKBM d.d., to be held on Tuesday 19 July 2011, at 11.00 hours in Conference Hall Minarik, Hotel Habakuk, Pohorska str. 59, Maribor.

The Ordinary Share Capital of OTP banka d.d. is split to 39.122.968 ordinary registered shares, all have the voting right.
The agenda of the assembly and resolutions will be published in newspapers Večer, Delo and Primorske novice on 18.6.2011. The entire material is available for the shareholders in the headquarters OTP banka d.d. Maribor, street Vita Kraigherja 4, from the publication of convocation up to 19.7.2011 every working day between 10 and 13h.

Disclaimer: All announcements in English language are only for information purposes!

Attachment: The 20th Shareholder’s Assembly Meeting of OTP banka d.d.

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