Convocation of 19th regular shareholder's assembly of OTP banka d.d.

OTP banka d.d. street Vita Kraigherja 4, 2000 Maribor, herby convene the 19th Shareholder’s Assembly Meting of NKBM d.d., to be held on Tuesday 22 June 2010, at 11.00 hours in Conference Hall Turner, Hotel Habakuk, Pohorska str. 59, Maribor. The Ordinary Share Capital of OTP banka d.d. is split to 26.081.979 ordinary registered shares, all have the voting right. The agenda of the assembly and resolutions will be published in newspapers Večer, Delo and Slovenske novice on 24.6.2010. The entire material is available for the shareholders in the headquarters OTP banka d.d. Maribor, street Vita Kraigherja 4, from the publication of convocation up to 22.6.2010 every working day between 10 and 13h. Disclaimer: All announcements in English language are only for information purposes!

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Convocation of 19th regular shareholder's assembly of OTP banka d.d.

21 May 2010
OTP banka d.d. street Vita Kraigherja 4, 2000 Maribor, herby convene the 19th Shareholder’s Assembly Meting of NKBM d.d., to be held on Tuesday 22 June 2010, at 11.00 hours in Conference Hall Turner, Hotel Habakuk, Pohorska str. 59, Maribor. The Ordinary Share Capital of OTP banka d.d. is split to 26.081.979 ordinary registered shares, all have the voting right. The agenda of the assembly and resolutions will be published in newspapers Večer, Delo and Slovenske novice on 24.6.2010. The entire material is available for the shareholders in the headquarters OTP banka d.d. Maribor, street Vita Kraigherja 4, from the publication of convocation up to 22.6.2010 every working day between 10 and 13h. Disclaimer: All announcements in English language are only for information purposes!

Call of the 19th Shareholders' Meeting of OTP banka d.d.

The Management Board of OTP banka d.d., Maribor, invites the shareholders to the 19th Shareholders' Meeting of OTP banka d.d., which will take place on Tuesday, 22 June 2010, at 11:00 a.m. in the Turner Hall of Hotel Habakuk, Pohorska ulica 59, Maribor.

The materials together with the proposals for resolutions, any counter proposal and the agenda extension will be available for consultation by shareholders also at the headquarters of OTP banka d.d., Maribor, Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4 (information office 1), from the date of publishing the call of the Shareholders' Meeting until the day of the Shareholders' Meeting, each working day between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

The Shareholders' Meeting may be attended only by those shareholders, or their legal representatives or proxies, who will register properly and within the deadline, in accordance with the published call of the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Contact for more information:
Toll-free phone number (for calls from Slovenia): 080 17 50 (Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.)



1. Deadline for registration

The written registration of a shareholder has to arrive at the registered office of the Bank by 18 June 2010 at the latest.

2. How to register?
Shareholders who wish to attend the Shareholders' Meeting personally have to register properly and within the deadline.

Please fill in the form and send it to the address of the Bank’s registered office:

OTP banka d.d. Secretariat – for the Shareholders' Meeting Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4 2505 Maribor Slovenia  

The registration has to arrive at the registered office of the Bank until the end of the day on 18 June 2010.

Only written registrations with the original signature and sent by mail will be accepted. The registration sent via e-mail or telephone, or delivered personally at the registered office of the Bank or in its branches, is not possible.

3. Power of attorney for representation at the Shareholders' Meeting

If you, as a shareholder, decide not to personally attend the Shareholders' Meeting, you may empower another person to vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting.

The completed power of attorney sent by mail has to arrive at the registered office of the Bank no later than on 18 June 2010.

Annual report 2009 (pdf, 5.308,30 kb)
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